Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Maria Kardel - Speak Easy 23/03/10

Welcome to the March edition of Speak Easy! This month its our one year anniversary, and as our legendary compere Sarah Thomasin points out, some unfortunate souls have been to every single event. Some of the audience are only just joining us they dont know what theyre getting themselves into!

Getting down to business, Sarah introduces us to her lovely co-compere Maria, who will be maintaining some degree of order in the second half but right now will be reading us a poem called On a Train with an Electric Eel. Even Phillip Larkin had a poem set on a train (the excellent Whitsun Weddings, look it up), so Maria fits straight into the tradition. Its pretty short, but pretty heavy she really gets the hot, claustrophobic feeling across, but Maria is always good at that kind of thing.

I have to recommend listening carefully to this, as Ive just experienced an unfortunate housemate overhearing incident.

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