Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ruby - Speak Easy 23/03/10

Following Tom and a brief microphone adjustment we have Ruby. She opens with a poem called This Night, which ably shows the play off between nature and the remnants of human life once were all in bed. Its rather short but very poetic, and really quite enjoyable. Her second poem is called Tuning Fork, and its pretty self explanatory really its about sound. Finally she reads Winter, as the dregs of winter were still outside. Tortoise based humour abounds; its pretty apt for her to read this enjoyable poem just as spring is coming. Im not sure if Ive ever seen Ruby read at Speak Easy before, but either way it would be great for everyone if shed come back, as she was very amusing. Possibly an excellent introduction to Ruby, or possibly a solid returning performer. Let me know.

The sound on this video is slightly quiet (which is certainly no fault of Rubys of course), so I suggest turning it up a little bit I promise theres no sudden loud noises anywhere that will make you regret it.

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